Intro to Programming Using JavaScript

(INTRO-JS.AA1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-312-7
This course includes
Hands-On Labs
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About This Course

Skills You’ll Get

Interactive Lessons

10+ Interactive Lessons | 118+ Quizzes | 85+ Flashcards | 85+ Glossary of terms

Gamified TestPrep

40+ Pre Assessment Questions | 2+ Full Length Tests | 45+ Post Assessment Questions | 90+ Practice Test Questions

Hands-On Labs

92+ LiveLab | 61+ Video tutorials | 01:50+ Hours

Video Lessons

104+ Videos | 03:12+ Hours


Introduction to JavaScript

  • About JavaScript
  • JavaScript Getting Started
  • Comments in JavaScript
  • Your First JavaScript Code
  • Exercise

JavaScript Basics

  • JavaScript Variables
  • JavaScript Data Types
  • JavaScript Operators
  • JavaScript Operators Precedence
  • JavaScript Alerts and Prompts
  • JavaScript Keywords and Reserved Words
  • Scripts
  • Constants
  • JavaScript Debugging
  • Exercise

Controlling Flow

  • Decision Making
  • Loops
  • Exercise


  • Types of Arrays
  • Declaring and Initialization of an Array
  • Array Methods
  • Sorting and Searching in Array
  • Access an Element of an Array
  • Exercise


  • Function Definition
  • Calling a Function
  • Nested Functions
  • Built-In Functions
  • The this Keyword
  • Exercise


  • Object-Oriented Language
  • Creating Objects
  • The String Object
  • The Date Object
  • The forEach() Method
  • Exercise

The Browser Object Model

  • The Browser Hierarchy
  • Window open() and close() Method
  • JavaScript Window Screen
  • Exercise

Document Object Model

  • DOM Levels
  • The DOM as a Tree
  • Retrieving Elements
  • DOM Events
  • JavaScript innerHTML and document.write()
  • Exercise

HTML Forms

  • Overview of Form Elements
  • Form Objects
  • Working with Form Information
  • Validation with JavaScript
  • Form Submission Process
  • Exercise

Errors and Exceptions

  • Error Handling and Exceptions
  • Types of Errors
  • try, catch and finally Statements
  • throw Statement
  • Exercise


Introduction to JavaScript

  • Using Single-Line and Multi-Line Comments
  • Running a JavaScript Code
  • Understanding basic concepts of JavaScript

JavaScript Basics

  • Using Strict Mode
  • Using Variable Scopes
  • Using arithmetic operators
  • Using Data Types
  • Using Operators
  • Using JavaScript Alerts and Prompts
  • Using the alert() method
  • Using the prompt() method
  • Using the confirm() method
  • Using Internal JavaScript
  • Using noscript
  • Using External JavaScript
  • Using Constants
  • Using the Debugger Keyword
  • Setting Breakpoints in JavaScript
  • Getting the Console Log Using JavaScript

Controlling Flow

  • Using the Decision-Making Statements
  • Using the if statement
  • Working with the nested if statements
  • Using the if-else statement
  • Using the continue Statement
  • Using the break Statement
  • Using the while Loop
  • Using the for Loop
  • Using the do-while Loop
  • Using the for loop
  • Understanding the while loop
  • Working with the do-while loop


  • Using Multi-Dimensional Arrays
  • Using the Array Methods
  • Sorting and Searching in Array
  • Using the indexof() method
  • Using the sort() method


  • Knowing the Difference between Pass By Value and Pass By Reference
  • Calling a Function
  • Using the array.length() method
  • Calling a function
  • Using Nested Functions
  • Using Different Mathematical Functions in JavaScript
  • Using the toFixed() Function
  • Using the isNaN() Function
  • Using the parseInt() and parseFloat() Functions
  • Using the isNan() function
  • Using the math.ceil() method
  • Using the this Keyword


  • Creating Objects
  • Working with the objects
  • Using the String Object
  • Formatting strings
  • Using the concat() method - Part I
  • Using the concat() method - Part II
  • Using the Date Object
  • Calculating the Difference Between Two Dates
  • Using Localization
  • Using the Time Function in JavaScript
  • Using the Date object
  • Using the forEach() Method
  • Using the forEach() method - Part I
  • Using forEach() method - Part II

The Browser Object Model

  • Using the Window open() and close() Methods
  • Using the JavaScript Window Screen

Document Object Model

  • Retrieving Elements by Tag Name
  • Retrieving Elements
  • Using the Onfocus and Onblur Events
  • Using the DOM Event
  • Understanding DOM events - Part I
  • Understanding DOM events - Part II
  • Understanding DOM events - Part III
  • Using JavaScript innerHTML and document.write()
  • Using innerHTML property

HTML Forms

  • Creating a Form
  • Using the Select Object
  • Using the Radio and Check Box Objects
  • Using a Text Box Object
  • Using the Password Object
  • Using the POST Method
  • Retrieving Form Values from Textbox
  • Retrieving Form Values from a Dropdown
  • Working with form Information
  • Using Validation with JavaScript
  • Validating a form
  • Using the GET Method
  • Using the onsubmit Event

Errors and Exceptions

  • Using try and catch in JavaScript
  • Knowing Syntax Errors
  • Knowing Runtime Errors
  • Using the finally Statement
  • Working with errors and exceptions
  • Using the throw Statement

Intro to Programming Using JavaScript

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